Welcome to the Fontys ICT Study Navigator for Associate Degree

Click on a semester below to find out what's it all about.

S1 Semester 1
S2 Semester 2
S3 Semester 3
S4 Semester 4

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To profiles AD-ICT

Contact Björn Hamels (Tilburg) or Stephan Vrijsen (Eindhoven).

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Curriculum overview

Explanation Associate Degree Fulltime

In the full-time AD-study programme in the first semester you’ll find out which professional profile appeals best and where you true (ICT-)talents lie. Full-time education is offered in a demand based teaching method. In the first semester you are guided by a semester coach. Together with the semester coach you make the choice of the follow-up trajectory. As a AD-student you’ll follow the same education as the bachelor students during the first semester. In this case, you can, after obtaining the first semester, also choose to switch to the bachelor's degree programme (see also the image above).

You choose your professional profile in the first semester. This can be one of five professional profiles:

In the selected professional profile you then follow two thematic masters. During these two semesters you’ll delve into the chosen professional profile. You will also orientate on job profiles within the selected professional profile. Ultimately you choose the job profile that best suits your talents and interests.

Within the selected function profile, you will graduate in semester 4. The graduation semester has both a theoretical and a practical component. The theoretical component prepares you for work within the selected job profile. Within this job profile, you’ll carry out a practical assignment at a company. This practical assignment concludes with a thesis/portfolio and a graduation session in which you present and defend the practical assignment carried out.

Advancement to the bachelor’s degree programme

FHICT offers you the possibility to enter the programme of the adjoining bachelor.

When you enter in semester 4 from the AD course you'll receive extra attention and guidance for the professional skills of the bachelor. At the end of semester 4, you'll demonstrate that you have achieved the Bachelor professional skills at the appropriate level.