If you plan to pursue a Master’s degree after your Bachelor ICT as a future Business or Media professional, then the Tilburg University has attractive Master programs:
The programmes connect perfectly to the FHICT Bachelor and moreover: there is a bridging minor in which you acquire the skills needed and are being challenged. Once you passed the premaster programme and the bachelor, you can transfer to the master’s education right away.
You have an advantage over Masters who haven’t had an HBO education first, but got their Bachelor’s degree in ICT at the TiU. This is because students from Fontys have learned a real trade, they are not only theoretically skilled but also very practically minded. Employers value this! Investing time and money in our master certainly will repay itself later in your career. At least three, but often more, students make this choice each year. Because of the good relationship between TiU and FHICT, you can do the TiU pre-master as your Fontys minor, and not (as the normal case) after your Fontys graduation.
The Information Management pre-master programme consists of 5 modules of 6 EC each:
The International Management pre-master programme consists of 5 modules of 6 EC each:
The Communication and Information Science pre-master programme consists of:
The pre-master Information Management is only given in the Fall semester (Sep-Jan).
The pre-master International Management is only given in the Fall semester (Sep-Jan).
The pre-master Communication and Information Science is given in both semesters.
Admission requirements
You must have passed the main phase with an average of G.
Note: for these minors English knowledge is mandatory!
Pre-master International Management and Pre-master Information Management can only be followed in English.
Enrolment deadline of this minor: Open till 1 May (for the Fall semesters) or open till 1 Nov (for the Spring semester).
Interesting links: Information-management, International-management and Communication-and-Information-Science.
More information at: Georgiana Manolache | fontysict-academictransfer@fontys.nl