Fontys school of ICT Open Learning Semester

Open Learning Semester

Programme manager For questions or more info, contact
Wilrik De Loose

ICT & Open Learning is a route where you have a lot of freedom and flexibility to determine your personal focus and structure, within the boundaries of the HBO-I competence framework.

In practice, this means that anything within these boundaries potentially can be used in this programme. This gives great opportunities for starting multi-disciplinary projects. Projects should be IT related, based on relevant questions and developments from the professional field and where possible externally validated.

It is possible to create your own challenge and pitch it to the population. Of course, this challenge has to be approved and an external stakeholder has to be found.

It is possible to work on more challenges at once. Work is mainly done in groups supervised by personal coaches.

This large degree of freedom does not mean that there are no obligations. A large amount of autonomy and entrepreneurial behaviour is expected.

Lots of freedom, but remember: “Freedom comes with responsibility”.

“Open, it doesn’t get more personalized!” Eric Slaats - Lecturer Open Learning

Your semester is (within boundaries) open in the What (content and level) and the How (Style, Tempo, criteria) of how you are going to learn.
You’ll create a personal competence profile in which you describe in what you like to develop. This is completed with criteria and goals to prove what you have learned.

You’ll work on one or more challenges in which context (care, sports, education, etc..) are being linked to the learning goals. This can be essentially everything in IT (Encryption, AR/VR, UX, Machine learning etc.). Based on this, you’ll be coached in a group with the same challenge and individually.

Coaching is done by a group of teachers, every one in this group is a possible source for learning. Main guidance will be in exploring IT and personal talent development.

Do you want to know more about the content of this course, please have a look at the semester guides (blokboeken) on Sharepoint.

Semester Guides

For more and detailed information per semester, click on the link below:

Semester 2

Semester 3

Semester 4

Semester 6

Semester 7

More info

For more information, please contact programme manager Wilrik De Loose: