ICT & Artificial Intelligence

ICT & Artificial Intelligence

Programme manager For questions or more info S4, contact
Hans Konings
h.konings@fontys.nl For questions or more info S7, contact
Martijn Lamers

In recent years, "intelligent software" has become part of our daily lives. Think of chatbots that answer questions, self-driving cars, apps that give personal advice about our health, etc. For end users it seems that these changes have gradually occurred, but for the software engineer this is a revolution. In the traditional way of making software, you divide a problem into parts, which you then solve with a rules-based approach. Software with AI uses algorithms that you can train with data to learn the rules yourself.

"Data is the new oil and AI is the new electricity for our society." Rink Lycklama à Nijeholt - Programme manager Artificial Intelligence

Within this specialisation you will learn how to build professional software solutions with intelligent behavior in a methodical and structured way.

Techniques such as machine learning and deep learning - or algorithms that can learn rules from data - are central to this. The specialisation is design-oriented. In each semester you go through the process from "business idea" to "AI product". You learn to reflect critically on these types of data-driven solutions, and you are also introduced to ethics and legislation regarding data.

Curious about the topics and content of this semester?
Have a look at the Canvascourse here.

Semester Guides

For more and detailed information per semester, click on the link below:

Semester 4

Semester 7

More info

For questions or more info S4, contact Hans Konings h.konings@fontys.nl.

For questions or more info S7, contact Martijn Lamers m.lamers@fontys.nl.