Since the introduction of the smartphone, mobile IT and Media have played an important role in our society. Meanwhile, personal portable IT is still growing in development.
The use of, for example, optical wearables and biometric sensors is already considered fairly normal. And here too, we are only at the beginning of an exploding industry. The shape of this IT will still change, but the personally portable IT will never go away.
Within the ICT & Smart Mobile specialisation you will get to know the operation and possibilities of mobile devices. This can range from the appropriate devices such as a smartphone or tablet to interactive watches, biometric wearables or optical wearables. This is about what happens on the device, also in terms of interaction, but also about what needs to be arranged in the background to make it work.
"A good concept: It's better that your App can do one thing very well, than a little bit of everything." Arjan Groeneweg - Lecturer ICT & Smart Mobile
You get to know the operation and capabilities of portable mobile ICT devices. At the end of this specialisation these devices will have no secrets for you and you'll decide partly how we will use them in the future.
The focus in the 2nd year is the substance of the two major players and latest developments in PWA:
Subjects are Mobile Programming, Interaction Design, Gamification, Concepting and of course a project with a mobile solution.
After having finished your education, you could work as a smart mobile consultant, mobile solution specialist or as a developer of mobile applications. You work on mobile solutions in several companies and mainly focus on trends like ‘Applications for wearable personal IT’ and ‘Development of services for mobile solutions’.
For more and detailed information per semester, click on the link below:
Semester 4 - ICT & Smart Mobile
Semester 6/7 - Advanced Mobile Design and Development
For more information, please contact programme manager Wilrik De Loose: